Did you ever imagine in your wildest dreams that the day would come when you could play chess long-distance, live, and in three dimensions? Plato and Herodotus disagree about its origins... Ancient Chinese, Hindu and Egyptian texts speak of it... The famous scholar Thomas Hyde claims it is of Arabic origin, its name supposedly derived from the Arabic for the mandrake plant which has roots resembling small sculptured dolls... It is, of course, the game of chess! This amazing game was a great favourite of many of history's greats, such as Saint Louis and Napoleon. Strong Points Viewer-friendly There is a menu to: Select pre-defined video views Direct the video camera angle Adjust the direction of lighting Alternate between 3D and 2D mode which displays the history of the eight last moves You can also: Select game conditions (light, table, hands, glasses, etc.) Change the graphic detail level (to adapt to the capabilities of different machines) Send messages to your opponent